
Just a quick (nice) rant

I’ve long maintained that participating in this community and also working along with the community is really nice. Overall (and in most instances specifically) everyone is super agreeable and just gets along. When enough people asked that I decided to I start mixing people chow for people one of my major concerns was dealing with jerks.

To date I have YET to deal with a jerk, I can’t decisively say that fear was unfounded but it seems so. I have always maintained that I seem to be dealing with a bunch of people that are pretty similar to me and I’ve always tried to operate the selling stuff as if I was one of the customers. There’s a delay? Send an email. Send tracking info for all packages. Don’t be a jerk (myself to the people I’m mixing for).
So here’s where this rant comes from (background over): Yesterday I got an order from a guy with a note saying that I had accidentally sent him an extra week and the order was paying for the extra week and was therefore already complete, have a nice day.

I was stunned.

I hope we can all be that awesome. Anyhow, rant over. Thanks for not being jerks and being cool.

By |2014-12-28T13:05:25-07:00December 28th, 2014|Soylent|2 Comments

Caught up, Christmas holiday

On Saturday I finally caught up to the orders that came in following the “Human Dog Food” reddit thread. I even shipped out one order that came in Saturday morning, I think I had it mixed and at the post office within 3 hours of the order being placed!

As for mixing during Christmas: I probably won’t be mixing en-mass until Thursday or Friday (probably Thursday) though I’m going to try to see if I can get a couple local orders and samples done today or tomorrow.

And a final note: trying to maintain ketosis (not eating carbohydrates) during Christmas is really fun (not).

By |2014-12-22T12:12:03-07:00December 22nd, 2014|Soylent|Comments Off on Caught up, Christmas holiday

Vacation Delay, Other Stuff, Price Changes

Just wanted to let everyone know that I won’t be shipping any orders next week. I’m planning on shipping out everything that comes in before noon on Saturday, September 13th and won’t be doing another round of shipments until Saturday September 20th. I’ll be helping my dad with I get to be the pack mule to lug around lighting equipment and such, then I get to shine lights at stuff. It’s something we’ve done for the last 3 years. You can see some of my previous work:

On a side note: they say never tell people you’ll be out of your house so you won’t get robbed. I personally be gone but the house will be far from empty and the neighbors tend to notice people coming and going so don’t try to rob me OK?

I also raised prices on the mixed People Chow a bit and put on a small handling fee to the shipping, people with subscriptions in place will not be affected. The reasoning for this: my wife told me to do it, that’s reason enough for me.

By |2016-10-13T07:28:30-06:00September 8th, 2014|Soylent|Comments Off on Vacation Delay, Other Stuff, Price Changes