Tag: science

  • Awesome article over at Art Of Manliness: Everything You Know About Cholesterol Is Wrong

    This was published yesterday, it’s a really good read and does a great job distilling down how messed up the “Generally Accepted Dietary Wisdom” is on Cholesterol: http://www.artofmanliness.com/2015/08/25/everything-you-know-about-cholesterol-is-wrong/ Some of the things he wrote lead me to believe he’s at minimum aware of ketogenic diets and maybe even doing keto/paleo. There’s also an excellent section…

  • Great interview with a doctor, she explains how low carb works in simple terms

    She’s been doing less than 20g/day of carbohydrates (Keto) for 13 years! She also does a very good comparison of her inability to tan and her tolerance for carbohydrates. Being pale and getting a sun burn doesn’t mean she doesn’t have enough will power – that’s just how her body is. From the video description:…

  • Glycemic Load and Index

    There is a pretty interesting thread on Reddit about the glycemic load of the official Rosa Labs Soylent 1.5 and how it has twice the  glycemic load as Coca Cola. It got me thinking: I wonder what the glycemic index of Keto Chow would be. I already know that it has virtually no detectable impact on…

  • Today’s shipment will be delayed.

    … due to me trying to drill a hole in my leg. I was drilling a hole in a trailer hitch and the drill bit broke. The drill with half a bit flew out of my hands and punctured my leg. Got two stitches and a tetanus shot.      

  • Really, really short version of “Why we get fat”

    Found this today via random chance. It’s an article that appeared in Reader’s Digest following the release of Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It – which was a condensed version of Good Calories, Bad Calories. So if you want a really quick summary, from the Author himself, here you go: http://garytaubes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/WWGF-Readers-Digest-feature-Feb-2011.pdf

  • Recommended Reading: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

    I read Gary Taubs’ earlier book Good Calories Bad Calories a few weeks ago, I followed it up with his newer book Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. While it doesn’t have the same breadth of information as Good Calories it’s more clearly delivered and easier for non-technical-medial people to understand.…

  • Great opinion from The Times – Cholesterol and Saturated Fat are OK now.

    You can read the full thing here: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/columnists/article4449967.ece?shareToken=7dba4f3ccd918bfcc1a900e04c14f6bb Quick quote: Indeed, the evidence that insisting on low-fat diets caused people to eat more carbohydrates, and that led to the explosion in obesity and diabetes, looks pretty strong — so far. After all, the main route by which the body lays down fat is to manufacture…

  • Recommended Reading: Good Calories, Bad Calories

    I’m finally finishing up Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Healthby Gary Taubes. He wrote another book “Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It” that apparently covers much of the same info but is simpler and easier to take in, I’m going to read it…