Tag: Coconut Oil

  • Questions about alcohol on keto and using different oils/protein

    Questions about alcohol on keto and using different oils/protein

    Got an email today, I took long enough to answer it I thought I might as well put my answer in a blog post. The first question was about whether they need to give up alcohol Well, there are a lot of reports on /r/keto about being on keto lowering tolerance for alcohol (just search…

  • Review: Keto & Co. Brownie Mix

    Review: Keto & Co. Brownie Mix

    I picked up some Brownie mix from Keto & Co. Didn’t tell my wife I was making it. She came down when it was about to come out of the oven and wanted to know if I was making cake. Not quite =) [print_gllr id=17165] Overall it’s super yummy. I’m glad I got two packages so…

  • The Effects of a Year in Ketosis (video)

    The Effects of a Year in Ketosis (video)

    Jim McCarter gave an interesting presentation at the Quantified Self Conference this year. You can check out the video at https://vimeo.com/147795263

  • Fixed nutrient info on Ketofood recipe, fun with fatty acids

    Following a question on reddit I went through the nutrient info for just about all of the ingredients and made sure the info was as complete and accurate as I could get. The recipe has 92.3g of total carbs with 62.2g of insoluble fiber, 10.8g of soluble fiber. Including the soluble fiber in the equation,…